A New Tomorrow: Life After Quarantine.

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.

Henry Ford

I’ve honestly lost track of the days…

At this point, I’m not sure how many weeks I’ve been quarantined. The days and hours seem to run together as I act like a mad scientist in my lab channeling different creative outlets to keep myself sane. Overall, I’ve done quite well. But it does feel strange, as this is starting to feel like the new norm. So then it has me thinking, “What will life be like after we are released from our ‘prison’ sentences?”

Tomorrow is only a day away…

I believe there has been a certain shift in the universe. The Earth seems to be healing. Broken homes are mending as well. We are addressing inner conflicts and demons, as we have no other choice due to the forced circumstances of isolation. We all have been given opportunities to turn lemons into lemonade. These past couple of months have really displayed the ability to embrace the unknown; keeping the faith for better days to come. Strangers are comforting each other and working together. Parents are starting to manage homeschooling their children effectively, while adjusting to working remotely. We are choosing video chats over texts. Conversations with substance over small talk. Love over hate.

As a collective, we have become more mindful of the things we have taken for granted in the past. The chill of the ocean when you first dip your toes into the water. The warmth of the sun as you stroll along on crowded streets. The bliss of physically embracing our loved ones. The freedom to go any place our hearts desire, without worrying about the safety of our health. The majority of us have taken so many of these moments for granted. And in a way, this pandemic has snapped us back to reality. Time is borrowed and never guaranteed. So is this good or bad?

A fresh perspective…

Many lives have been lost. Many businesses have been forced to close down and lay off their workers. Many people have been isolated and continue to struggle with immense feelings of loneliness. The air of uncertainty is ever so present. However, somehow, we have adapted to our circumstances. Humans are made to adapt and overcome. We learn from our adversities and heartaches. And I think nothing proves these statements more than what we have witnessed on a societal level as we try to combat the coronavirus. Along with the air of uncertainty, has come a wave of unity.

I cannot predict the future…

I’m not sure how life will be after quarantine. But I can tell you what I hope for…

I hope we all choose to hold our loved ones a little bit longer and tighter. I hope we continue to remain connected with those loved ones, even if it’s not in person. I can’t wait to see my family and friends again.

I hope households continue to have family dinners together. To have real conversations and truly listen and acknowledge one another. My pastor was sharing the word during one of the services this past Sunday, and expressed how amazing it felt to have dinner with his family. Something that hasn’t been done in years. I mean, truly, that is beautiful.

I hope we never allow the busyness of our lives to interrupt the nurturing of our relationships and the intentional connections to be made, inside and outside of our homes. I may be biased but quality time is a universal love language. It does the soul good.

May we never take waking up each day for granted. Or having the ability to breathe deep in our healthy lungs. A new day is a blessing within itself and I express gratitude for it each day. For this, we are blessed beyond measure.

May we continue to appreciate Mother Earth and marvel at all the beauty she continues to offer. I’m sure a lot of us have had the time to smell the roses, literally. My outside walks have literally saved me during this whole ordeal. I’ve never paid attention to the details of the trees, grass, and sky before. This Earth is vibrant in so many ways. Be present.

I hope we continue to be resourceful, even when not faced with adversity. I’ve noticed people growing their own plants, fruits, and vegetables. People have been doing many DIY projects around their homes. People have even made their own hand sanitizer with aloe vera plants and rubbing alcohol. How amazing is that?

May we continue to utilize rest and relaxation above all else. Many of us have forgotten what it feels like to simply slow down. Many of us have forgotten what it means to pour love and positivity into ourselves. This quarantine has been such an eye opener for me in this particular area of my life. It’s okay to stop worrying about all I have to do and check in with myself. It’s okay to put myself first before others. You can’t pour from an empty cup.

I hope we all continue to practice cleanliness and preventative measures… cause like, come on…we should’ve all been practicing this way before the pandemic!

But most importantly, I hope we all continue to practice compassion and keep the concept of love on the pedestal that it deserves. If we have learned anything during this pandemic is that we are all in this together, no matter the gender, age, race, or social class. This virus makes no discrimination. Let’s continue to offer support and love to those who need it most (which is all of us). Don’t waste any time on hatred. Life is too short.

Life is but a dream…

I’m dreaming of a better tomorrow where the shadow period of 2020 is a memory of the past. What are some changes you would like to see in life after quarantine? Any predictions? I’d love to hear from all of you. Stay safe, healthy, and inspired friends. xoxo

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Like a lotus flower, I emerge from dark, murky waters to reveal my beauty. Feeling and healing on this journey of life; glowing and flowing. I have always loved writing, but it has taken me 29 trips around the sun before I had to confidence to share publicly. I hope my writing, which is near and dear to my heart, sparks light and love in all of you. Make yourself at home and enjoy the ride!

17 thoughts on “A New Tomorrow: Life After Quarantine.

  1. Idk why I teared up a little reading this lol this was a good read! This pandemic has brought new perspective for sure. Also, i’ve learned to put myself first more & show myself more love, work on things that matter 🙏🏻 This all has brought a new level of appreciation for things & ppl in my life. ❤️


    1. I lowkey teared up while writing it lol. This pandemic has definitely brought a new outlook on life. Suddenly the ‘big’ things don’t matter as much as the ‘small’ things like being able to hug a loved one. Thank you for reading ♥️


  2. This pandemic has definitely given us a new outlook on life and has made us more grateful of the little things we used to take for granted. Beautiful piece❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for reading! Yes, I couldn’t agree more. Gratitude has definitely been on top of my list as many distractions have been removed from my life, allowing me to truly connect with myself and my loved ones.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful! None of us can possibly know what the future holds but I know that we have the ability to make a better tomorrow. I choose love, not fear. So we learn, and we grow, and we heal… we move forward, evolve. Thank you for this ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! ❤️ what some people may think is a disaster season may actually be a destiny season. I honestly feel the world needed a reset and although it’s far from a desirable method, I feel this is supposed to teach us something rather than this situation being looked as a punishment. Thank you for reading!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Beautiful post ♥️ I hope these tough times give us all the push we need for a better tomorrow and that we all come out of this stronger And may we continue to spread love thru these times and after ♥️♥️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES ♥️ I truly believe this situation will allow us to evolve past anything we could have prepared for or imagined. The world may never be the same but who is to say that it won’t be for the better ✨🙏🏼


  5. This was such a great read. Words put together so beautifully. This has taught everyone something that we didn’t pay much attention to before. Hopefully this lesson and new healthy routines will stay with everyone afterwards.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I believe I needed this time after becoming a new mommy to sit back and look from the outside in. I was getting caught up with the hustle and bustle of life just on a go go go status. It felt SO good to come home and just lay with my kids. Watch Disney movies with them and slowly embrace every part of myself and my family. We take so much for granted and yes it’s a cliche lol but we do. I hope to continue to appreciate what I have even after we’re allowed to go back out 100%

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Same. My life is always so busy and hectic. But the quarantine allowed me to reconnect with myself and truly slow down. It was a great reset. Thank you for reading! ❤


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